Your AMK Marketing Briefs

AMK Marketing Briefs recognises and appreciates the limited time many Chief Marketing Officers (CMO’s) and other Advertising and Marketing Executives have to keep up to date with the latest trends and developments taking place in the industry.

AMK Marketing Briefs is a summery of articles and features from advertising and marketing publications from around the word, presented in summery form with a direct link to the original article, allowing for more information if required.

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Friday, April 18, 2008

What is Creativity

Marketing Definitions

The Oxford English Dictionary suggests that creativity is: 'The ability to create'. Fantastic! The Heritage Illustrated Dictionary is a little more helpful: 'Characterized by originality and expressiveness, imaginative'. So we can start to see some of the characteristics of creativity.

Here are some much more interesting quotes:

"Every act of creation is first of all an act of destruction".

My interpretation of this quote is that we need to break down our barriers to creativity: preconceptions, fears, being trapped by 'rules', being unwilling to be frivolous or foolish and play with ideas that may take us to a solution.

"Imagination is more important than knowledge."

This quote suggests some of the 'ingredients': imaginative thinking is most important (in Einstein's view!) but there is a need for knowledge too.

And we came across this great quote:

"Creativity is knowledge times imagination times evaluation. And I say 'times' because if either knowledge, imagination or evaluation is missing then there would be no creativity."
David C. Morrison

This really works well, because it suggests that creativity, and being creative, is a kind of process:

First, you have to be knowledgeable about the subject. Fill yourself with understanding.
Second, use imaginative or creative thinking to generate ideas
Third, and finally, take time to evaluate

We have more information on brainstorming in our 'Creative Thinking' section that provides one approach to undertaking this creative process.

And finally, a further quote from David C. Morrison:

"Also looking on to what innovation is, innovation is knowledge times imagination times evaluation times action. Because my belief is without action there is no innovation or no applied creativity."

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